Banjar is a town in Kullu district in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. Tirthan and Jibhi valley are the two main attractions in Banjar. It is extended to further region through the Jalori pass. Jibhi & Tirthan valleys are known for their mountain visuals, divine scenic beauty relaxing activities like book reading, fishing and nature walk. We will start our journey by taking a nature walk and visit the magic of Jibhi’s natural beauty and also Jibhi waterfall, sarolsar lake, Jalori pass, Great Himalayan national park etc. and we will enjoy the trek, sightseeing, group lunch, group dinners and musical bonfires here with lots of fun and talks with our group throughout the journey. Most of the houses at Jibhi are made of stone and wood. People of Banjar celebrate many festivals like Magh-Sakranti (In January), Faguli(In March), Shairi (In September) and Diwali. We Don’t know about your past experience but yes, you will love this place and travel experience very much with us.